
High Five for Friday!

Wow! What a week!  I’m linking up with Lauren for H54F! So, where to start?!?

1.  It was my husband’s birthday on Wednesday! I posted about it here. We have basically been celebrating all week!  We went to dinner Saturday night with his family, went to Raleigh on Wednesday and had dinner with our best friends, had dinner with my family on Thursday, and then we are having our date night to celebrate on Saturday night. So much for the diet…

My hubby

My hubby

2.  I picked these up at Anthropologie while we were in Raleigh.  I’ve never bought anything in there before (it’s a little out of my budget) but I thought these were really cute!  And then I managed to drop the yellow one when we got home and it completely shattered. 😦944130_10100406382438536_1480017901_n

3.  Our passports came!!! We are going on a cruise in September to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, so we finally had a reason to get these.  I hope this gives us more incentive to do more traveling now!


4.  I had a yard sale on Saturday, and it went REALLY well!  We sold a bunch of stuff, and the things that were left at the end of the day went straight to Goodwill.  It feels so freeing to have all that junk out of our house.

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Sorry that this picture hasn’t been “Instagramed” lol

5.  On Sundays, we almost always go out to lunch after church with some friends.  We are one of the few couples in our Life Group class that don’t have kids yet, so we have a lot of fun entertaining our friends’ kids so they can enjoy their lunch.  This little girl is absolutely hilarious.  She was looking at herself in the front-facing camera on my phone when she grabbed my sunglasses, put them on, then made the “duck lips” pose.  I managed to reach over and click the button in time to snap this picture of her.  Every time I see it, I start laughing.  I really hope my kids are this cute (one day).


How has your week been?!